What A Beautiful Name chords
by Hillsong WorshipSong Key: D Major
Key Signature: 2 sharps (F#, C#)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 68 bpm (Worship Ballad)
Vocal Range: A3 - B4
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: D, D/F#, F#m, G, G/B, A, Bm
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

What A Beautiful Name
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD Intro: 4/4 ‖ Synth | % | % ‖... D 1. You were the Word at the be-gin-ning One with God the Lord Most High Your hid-den glo-ry in cre-a-tion Now re-vealed in You our Christ D CH: What a beau-ti-ful Name it is A What a beau-ti-ful Name it is Bm A G The Name of Je-sus Christ my King D What a beau-ti-ful Name it is A No-thing com-pares to this Bm What a beau-ti-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus... D 2. You did-n’t want heav-en with-out us G G/B A So Je-sus You brought heav-en down Bm A D My sin was great Your love was great-er G Bm A What could se-pa-rate us now D CH: What a won-de-rful Name it is A What a won-de-rful Name it is Bm A G The Name of Je-sus Christ my King D What a won-der-ful Name it is A Noth-ing com-pares to this Bm What a won-der-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus Bm What a won-der-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus G A Bm F#m Instr: ‖: | | | :‖ G A Bm A ‖ | | | (Death could not)‖ G Bridge: Death could not hold You A The veil tore be-fore You Bm D You sil-ence the boast of sin and grave G The heav-ens are roar-ing A The praise of Your glo-ry Bm A For You are raised to life a-gain G You have no ri-val A You have no e-qual Bm F#m Now and for-e-ver God You reign G Yours is the king-dom A Yours is the glo-ry Bm A Yours is the Name a-bove all names D CH: What a pow-er-ful Name it is A What a pow-er-ful Name it is Bm A G The Name of Je-sus Christ my King D What a pow-er-ful Name it is A No-thing can stand a-gainst Bm What a pow-er-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus G Bridge: You have no ri-val A You have no e-qual Bm F#m Now and for-e-ver God You reign G Yours is the king-dom A Yours is the glo-ry Bm A Yours is the Name a-bove all names D CH: What a pow-er-ful Name it is A What a pow-er-ful Name it is Bm A G The Name of Je-sus Christ my King D What a pow-er-ful Name it is A No-thing can stand a-gainst Bm What a pow-er-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus Bm What a pow-er-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus Bm What a pow-er-ful Name it is A G The Name of Je-sus... 𝄑
Please Note:
If you want to play chords over the first verse, simply copy the chord progession from Verse 2. It will look something like this:
D 1. You were the Word at the be-gin-ning G G/B A One with God the Lord Most High Bm A D Your hid-den glo-ry in cre-a-tion G Bm A Now re-vealed in You our Christ
- Reading the Song Charts - a closer look at reading the song charts on this site
- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works
- Sheet Music at PraiseCharts.Com - Piano/Vocal Pack
Song Details:
- Composer: Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood
- Lyricist: Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood
- Lyrics Begin: You were the Word at the beginning, one with God the Lord Most High.
- Artists: Hillsong Worship - praise and worship collective from Sydney, Australia and Orange County, California.
- Featured Artist: Brooke Ligertwood
- Album: Let There Be Light
- Recorded: 5–8 July 2016
- Released: 14 October 2016
- Single Release: 6 January 2017
- Genre: Contemporary worship music
- King of Kings
- What A Beautiful Name