King of Kings chords

by Hillsong Worship

Song Key: D Major

Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#)

Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)

Tempo: 68 bpm (Moderately)

Vocal Range: C#4 - D5

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Chords: D, D/F#, G, A, Asus4, Bm, Bm7

Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
D Major D/F# D/F#-V2 G Major A Major Asus4 Bm D Major Bm7 barre chord Bm7 - V2
D Major - LH D/F# - LH D/F# - V2 - LH G Major - LH A Major - LH Asus4 - LH Bm barre chord - LH Bm - V2 - LH Bm7 barre chord - LH Bm7 - V2 - LH

King of Kings

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro: 4/4 ‖       |   %   |   %   |   %   |   %   ‖

          D/F#              G
1. In the dark-ness we were wait-ing
            A             D
   With-out hope with-out light
             D/F#             G
   Till from hea-ven You came run-ning
             A              D
   There was mer-cy in Your eyes
          D/F#            G
   To ful-fil the law and pro-phets
        A                D
   To a vir-gin came the Word
          D/F#               G
   From a throne of end-less glo-ry
              A                   D 
   To a | 24 cra-dle in the |44 dirt |  %  |

        D                    G
Chorus: Praise the Fath-er   Praise the Son
        Bm7                Asus4    A
        Praise the Spi-rit three in one
        D                G
        God of glo-ry    Ma-jes-ty
        Bm7        G                 A            D
        Praise for-e-ver to the |24 King of |44 Kings |  %  |
         D                 G 
2. To re-veal the king-dom com-ing
          A               D
   And to re-con-cile the lost
         D/F#               G
   To re-deem the whole cre-a-tion
           A                D
   You did not des-pise the cross
       D/F#          G
   For e-ven in Your suf-fer-ing
           A             D
   You saw to the oth-er side
             D/F#            G
   Know-ing this was our sal-va-tion
               A                     D 
   Je-sus |24 for our sake You |44 died |  %  |
        D                    G
Chorus: Praise the Fath-er   Praise the Son
        Bm7                Asus4    A
        Praise the Spi-rit three in one
        D                G
        God of glo-ry    Ma-jes-ty
        Bm7        G                 A            D
        Praise for-e-ver to the |24 King of |44 Kings |  %  |
           Bm                G
3. And the morn-ing that You rose
          A                D
   All of heav-en held its breath
             Bm                  G
   Till that stone was moved for good
           A                   D 
   For the Lamb had con-quered death
           Bm                   G
   And the dead rose from their tombs
           A                D
   And the an-gels stood in awe
           Bm                 G
   For the souls of all who’d come
          A              D
   To the Fa-ther are re-stored

           D/F#                 G
4. And the Church of Christ was born
            A               D
   Then the Spi-rit lit the flame
            D/F#             G
   Now this gos-pel truth of old
             A               D 
   Shall not kneel shall not faint
          D/F#             G
   By His blood and in His Name
          A             D
   In His free-dom I am free
           D/F#           G
   For the love of Je-sus Christ
                A                D
   Who has |24 re-su-rrec-ted | me... Oh | Oh... |
        D                    G
Chorus: Praise the Fath-er   Praise the Son
        Bm7                Asus4    A
        Praise the Spi-rit three in one
        D                G
        God of glo-ry    Ma-jes-ty
        Bm7        G            A       D
        Praise for-e-ver to the King of Kings
        Bm7        G                 A            D              D
        Praise for-e-ver to the |24 King of |44 Kings |  %  |  𝄑  |

Song Details
  • Songwriters: Jason Ingram, Brooke Ligertwood & Scott Ligertwood
  • Lyrics Begin: In the darkness we were waiting, without hope, without light.
  • Performing Artists: Hillsong Worship - praise and worship collective from Sydney, Australia and Orange County, California.
  • Featured Artist: Brooke Ligertwood (nee Brooke Fraser)
  • Album: Awake
  • Released: 11 October 2019
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