Christmas Songs with easy chords
Your Xmas favorites...We have put together a number of popular Christmas carols and songs in alphabetical order, with guitar chords and lyrics. The chords have been simplified so that everyone, including beginners can play. There's nothing more 'Christmassy' than sitting around an open fire, strumming a guitar to your favorite Christmas tunes with friends and family soaking up the Christmas spirit.
Christmas Carols (A-Z)
- Away In a Manger (x2)
- Deck The Halls
- Ding Dong Merrily On High
- Do You Hear What I Hear
- Good King Wenceslas
- Do You Hear What I Hear
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
- Good King Wenceslas
- Hark the Herald Angels Sing
- It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
- Jingle Bells
- Jingle Bell Rock
- Joy To The World
- Little Drummer Boy
- O Christmas Tree
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- O Holy Night
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
- Silent Night
- The First Noel
- Twelve Days Of Christmas
- We Three Kings Of Orient Are
- White Christmas
- Auld Lang Syne
This is a very long page so brace yourselves and enjoy the ride...

You can find more comprehensive versions of each of these songs on the Christmas Carols and Christmas Song pages. They are performed by various artists and include videos, chords, lyrics, right and left-handed chord charts, and a Chord Transposer.
Some of the versions are quite different to the original versions, but they are all beautifully presented in the true spirit of Christmas. So, grab your guitar and strum up a storm... Merry Christmas everyone!
Christmas Carols - chords & lyrics
Away In A Manger by James R. Murray Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: G Major G C G 1. A-way in a man-ger no crib for a bed D7 G The lit-tle Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head G C G The stars in the sky looked down where he lay D7 G C D7 G The lit-tle Lord Je-sus a-sleep on the hay G C G 2. The cat-tle are lo-wing the poor ba-by wakes D7 G But lit-tle Lord Je-sus no cry-ing He makes G C G I love Thee Lord Je-sus look down from the sky D7 G C D7 G And stay by my cra-dle till mor-ning is nigh G C G 3. Be near me Lord Je-sus I ask Thee to stay D7 G Close by me for-e-ver and love me I pray G C G Bless all the dear chil-dren in Thy tender care D7 G C D7 G And take us to hea-ven to live with Thee there
Away In A Manger by Willian J, Kirkpatrick Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: C Major C G C A7 Dm 1. A-way in a man-ger, no crib for his bed G7 C D7 G The lit-tle Lord Je-sus laid down his sweet head G7 C G C A7 Dm The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay G7 C G7 C The lit-tle Lord Je-sus a-sleep on the hay C G C A7 Dm 2. The cat-tle are lo-wing the ba-by a-wakes G7 C D7 G But lit-tle Lord Je-sus no cry-ing He makes G7 C G C A7 Dm I love Thee Lord Je-sus look down from the sky G7 C G7 C And stay by my side un-til mor-ning is nigh C G C A7 Dm 3. Be near me Lord Je-sus I ask Thee to stay G7 C D7 G Close by me for-ev-er and love me I pray G7 C G C A7 Dm Bless all the dear chil-dren in Thy ten-der care G7 C G7 C And feed us for-e-ver to live with Thee there

Deck The Halls Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: D Major D Bm D 1. Deck the halls with boughs of hol-ly, A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. D Bm D 'Tis the sea-son to be jol-ly, A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. A D A Don we now our gay ap-pa-rel D E A E A Fa la la, la la la, la la la. D Bm D Troll the an-cient Yule-tide ca-rol, G D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. D Bm D 2. See the bla-zing Yule be-fore us, A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. D Bm D Strike the harp and join the cho-rus. A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. A D A Fol-low me in mer-ry mea-sure, D E A E A Fa la la, la la la, la la la. D Bm D While I tell of Yule-tide trea-sure, G D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. D Bm D 3. Fast a-way the old year pas-ses, A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. D Bm D Hail the new, ye lads and las-ses, A D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la. A D A Sing we joyus, all to-ge-ther, D E A E A Fa la la, la la la, la la la. D Bm D Heed-less of the wind and wea-ther, G D A D Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Ding Dong Merrily On High Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G C D 1. Ding dong mer-ri-ly on high, C D G In heav'n the bells are ring-ing G C D Ding dong ver-i-ly the sky, C D G Is riv'n with an-gel sing-ing. G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis! G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis! G C D 2. E'en so here be-low, be-low, C D G Let stee-ple bells be swun-gen, G C D And "I-o, i-o, i-o!" C D G By priest and peo-ple sun-gen. G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis! G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis! G C D 3. Pray you, du-ti-ful-ly prime C D G Your ma-tin chime, ye ring-ers G C D May you beau-ti-ful-ly rhyme C D G Your eve-time song, ye sing-ers. G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis! G Am G Am Em D Glo...o...o....o...o...o-ri-a, C D G Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis!
Do You Hear What I Hear by Noel Regney & Gloria Shayne Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: C Major C Gm7 C 1. Said the night wind to the lit-tle lamb Do you see what I see (Do you see what I see) C Gm7 C Way up in the sky lit-tle lamb Do you see what I see (Do you see what I see) Am Em A star, a star Dan-cing in the night F G E With a tail as big as a kite F G C With a tail as big as a kite C Gm7 C 2. Said the lit-tle lamb to the she-pherd boy Do you hear what I hear (Do you hear what I hear) C Gm7 C Ring-ing through the sky she-pherd boy Do you hear what I hear (Do you hear what I hear) Am Em A song, a song High a-bove the tree F G E With a voice as big as the sea F G C With a voice as big as the sea C Gm7 C 3. Said the she-pherd boy to the migh-ty king Do you know what I know (Do you know what I know) C Gm7 C In your pa-lace wall migh-ty king Do you know what I know (Do you know what I know) Am Em A child, a child Shi-vers in the cold F G E Let us bring him sil-ver and gold F G C Let us bring him sil-ver and gold C Gm7 C 4. Said the king to the peo-ple ev'-ry-where Lis-ten to what I say (Listen to what I say) C Gm7 C Pray for peace people ev'-ry-where Lis-ten to what I say (Listen to what I say) Am Em The child, the child Sleep-ing in the night F G E He will bring us good-ness and light F G C He will bring us good-ness and light

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Traditional Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: Em Em B7 Em 1. God rest ye mer-ry, gen-tle-men C Am B7 Let no-thing you dis-may, Em B7 Em For Je-sus Christ our Sa-viour C Am B7 Was born on Christ-mas day, Am G To save us all from Sa-tan's pow'r Em D When we were gone a-stray G C D B7 Em Refrain: O ti-dings of com-fort and joy D Com-fort and joy, G C G B7 Em O ti-dings of com-fort and joy. Em B7 Em 2. In Beth-le-hem, in Is-ra-el C Am B7 This bles-sed Babe was born, Em B7 Em And laid with-in a man-ger C Am B7 U-pon this bles-sed morn, Am G The which His Mo-ther Ma-ry Em D Did no-thing take in scorn... Refrain: Em B7 Em 3. From God our Heav'n-ly Fa-ther C Am B7 A bles-sed an-gel came, Em B7 Em And un-to cer-tain she-pherds C Am B7 Brought ti-dings of the same Am G How that in Beth-le-hem was born Em D The Son of God by name G C D B7 Em Refrain: O ti-dings of com-fort and joy D Com-fort and joy, G C G B7 Em O ti-dings of com-fort and joy. Em B7 Em 4. The she-pherds at those ti-dings C Am B7 Re-joiced much in mind, Em B7 Em And left their flocks a-fee-ding C Am B7 In tem-pest, storm and wind, Am G And went to Beth-le-hem straight-way Em D This bles-sed Babe to find... Refrain: Em B7 Em 5. But when to Beth-le-hem they came C Am B7 Where-at this In-fant lay, Em B7 Em They found Him in a man-ger C Am B7 Where o-xen feed on hay, Am G His mo-ther Ma-ry knee-ling Em D Un-to the Lord did pray G C D B7 Em Refrain: O ti-dings of com-fort and joy D Com-fort and joy, G C G B7 Em O ti-dings of com-fort and joy. Em B7 Em 6."Fear not,” said the An-gel C Am B7 "Let no-thing you af-fright. Em B7 Em This day is born a Sa-viour C Am B7 Of the pure Vir-gin bright. Am G To free all those who trust in Him Em D From Sa-tan's pow'r and might"... Refrain: Em B7 Em 7. Now to the Lord sing pra-ses C Am B7 All you with-in this place, Em B7 Em And with true love and bro-ther-hood C Am B7 Each o-ther now em-brace Am G This ho-ly tide of Christ-mas Em D All o-ther doth de-face G C D B7 Em Refrain: O ti-dings of com-fort and joy D Com-fort and joy, G C G B7 Em O ti-dings of com-fort and joy.
Good King Wenceslas Music: Traditional Lyrics: John Mason Neale Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G Em C G 1. Good King Wen-ces-las looked out On the feast of Ste-phen, G Em C G When the snow lay round a-bout Deep and crisp and e-ven. G Em C G Bright-ly shone the moon that night Though the frost was cruel, G Em Bm C G When a poor man came in sight Gath’-ring win-ter fu-el. G Em C G 2. Hi-ther, page, and stand by me If thou knows’t it tel-ling: G Em C G Yon-der peasant, who is he? Where and what his dwel-ling? G Em C G Sire, he lives a good league hence Un-der-neath the moun-tain, G Em Bm C G Right against the fo-rest fence By Saint Ag-nes’ foun-tain. G Em C G 3. Bring me flesh, and bring me wine Bring me pine logs hi-ther; G Em C G Thou and I will see him dine When we bear them thi-ther. G Em C G Page and mo-narch, forth they went Forth they went to-ge-ther; G Em Bm C G Through the rude winds wild la-ment And the bit-ter wea-ther. G Em C G 4. Sire, the night is dar-ker now And the wind blows stron-ger; G Em C G Fails my heart, I know not how I can go no lon-ger. G Em C G Mark my foot-steps my good page Tread thou in them bold-ly; G Em Bm C G Thou shalt find the win-ter’s rage Freeze thy blood less cold-ly. G Em C G 5. In his mas-ter's step he trod Where the snow lay din-ted; G Em C G Heat was in the ve-ry sod Which the saint had prin-ted. G Em C G There-fore, Chris-tian men, be sure Wealth or rank pos-ses-sing, G Em Bm C G Ye who now will bless the poor Shall your-selves find bles-sing.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Music: Felix Mendelssohn Lyrics: Charles Wesley Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: D Major D A7 D A7 D G D A7 D 1. Hark the he-rald an-gels sing "Glo-ry to the new-born King! D Bm E7 A E7 A E7 A Peace on earth and mer-cy mild God and sin-ners re-con-ciled" D A7 D A7 D G A7 Joy-ful, all ye na-tions rise Join the tri-umph of the skies G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D With the an-ge-lic host pro-claim "Christ is born in Beth-le-hem" G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D Hark! The he-rald an-gels sing "Glo-ry to the new-born King!" D A7 D A7 D G D A7 D 2. Christ by high-est heav'n a-dored Christ the e-ver-last-ing Lord! D Bm E7 A E7 A E7 A Late in time be-hold Him come Off-spring of a Vir-gin's womb D A7 D A7 D G A7 Veiled in flesh the God-head see Hail the in-car-nate De - i - ty G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D Pleased as man with men to dwell Je-sus, our Em-man-u-el G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D Hark! The he-rald an-gels sing "Glo-ry to the new-born King!" D A7 D A7 D G D A7 D 3. Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of Right-eous-ness! D Bm E7 A E7 A E7 A Light and life to all He brings Ris'n with heal-ing in His wings D A7 D A7 D G A7 Mild He lays His glo-ry by Born that man no more may die G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them se-cond birth G B7 Em B7 Em A7 D A7 D Hark! The he-rald an-gels sing "Glo-ry to the new-born King!"
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear Music: Richard Storrs Willis Lyrics: Edmund Sears Time Signature: 6/8 Key Signature: C Major C F C F D7 G7 1. It came u-pon the mid-night clear That glo-ri-ous song of old, C F C F G7 C From an-gels bend-ing near the earth To touch their harps of gold E7 Am G D7 G "Peace on the earth, good-will to men From hea-vens all gra-cious King!" C F C F G7 C The world in sol-emn still-ness lay To hear the an-gels sing. C F C F D7 G7 2. Still through the clo-ven skies they come With peace-ful wings un-furled C F C F G7 C And still their hea-ve-nly mu-sic floats O'er all the wea-ry world E7 Am G D7 G A-bove its sad and low-ly plains They bend on ho-ve-ring wing C F C F G7 C And e-ver o'er its Ba-bel sounds The bles-sed an-gels sing. C F C F D7 G7 3. O ye be-neath life's crush-ing load Whose forms are bend-ing low, C F C F G7 C Who toil a-long the climb-ing way With pain-ful steps and slow E7 Am G D7 G Look now, for glad and gol-den hours Come swift-ly on the wing C F C F G7 C Oh rest be-side the wea-ry road And hear the an-gels sing. C F C F D7 G7 4. For lo! the days are haste-ning on By pro-phets seen of old, C F C F G7 C When with the e-ver-circ-ling years Shall come the time fore-told, E7 Am G D7 G When the new hea-ven and earth shall own The Prince of Peace, their King, C F C F G7 C And the whole world send back the song Which now the an-gels sing.
Jingle Bells by James Lord Pierpont Time Signature: 2/4 Key Signature: G Major G C 1. Da-shing through the snow On a one-horse o-pen sleigh Am D7 G O-ver the fields we go Laugh-ing all the way G C Bells on bob-tail ring Ma-king spi-rits bright Am G E7 Am D7 G D What fun it is to ride and sing A sleigh-ing song to-night Oh G Chorus: Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G A7 D7 O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh... G Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G D7 G O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh G C 2. A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride Am D7 G And soon Miss Fan-ny Bright Was sea-ted by my side G C The horse was lean and lank Mis-for-tune seemed his lot Am G E7 Am D7 G D He got in-to a drif-ted bank And there we got up-sot Oh G Chorus: Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G A7 D7 O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh... G Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G D7 G O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh G C 3. Now the ground is white Go it while you're young Am D7 G Take the girls to-night And sing this sleigh-ing song G C Just get a bob-tailed bay Two-for-ty as his speed Am G E7 Am D7 G D Hitch him to an o-pen sleigh And crack! you'll take the lead Oh G Chorus: Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G A7 D7 O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh... G Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle Bells Jin-gle all the way! D7 G D7 G O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh
Jingle Bell Rock by Joseph Carleton Beal & James Ross Boothe (Bobby Helms version) Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: D Major D Dmaj7 D6 Dmaj7 1. Jin-gle Bell, Jin-gle Bell, Jin-gle Bell rock D6 Dmaj7 Em7 A7 Jin-gle bells swing and Jin-gle bells ring Em7 A7 Em7 A7 Snow-ing and blow-ing up bush-els of fun Em7 A7 Now the Jin-gle hop has be-gun D Dmaj7 D6 Dmaj7 2. Jin-gle Bell, Jin-gle Bell, Jin-gle Bell rock D6 Dmaj7 Em7 A7 Jin-gle bells chime in Jin-gle bell time Em7 A7 Em7 A7 Danc-ing and pranc-ing in Jin-gle Bell square Em7 A7 D In the fros-ty air G Gm Bridge: What a bright time, it's the right time D To rock the night a-way E Jing-le Bell time is a swell time A To go gli-ding in a one-horse sleigh D Dmaj7 D6 Dmaj7 3. Gid-dy up Jin-gle horse, pick up your feet D6 Dmaj7 B7 Jin-gle a-round the clock G Gm Mix and a-min-gle in the jing-ling beat Em7 A7 D That's the Jin-gle Bell Rock Instrumental: Play Verses 1 & 2 G Gm Bridge: What a bright time, it's the right time D To rock the night a-way E Jing-le Bell time is a swell time A To go gli-ding in a one-horse sleigh D Dmaj7 D6 Dmaj7 4. Gid-dy up Jin-gle horse, pick up your feet D6 Dmaj7 B7 Jin-gle a-round the clock G Gm Mix and a-min-gle in the jing-ling beat Em7 A7 That's the Jin-gle Bell Em7 A7 That's the Jin-gle Bell Em7 A7 D That's the Jin-gle Bell Rock...
Joy To The World Music: George Frederick Handel Lyrics: Isaac Watts Time Signature: 2/4 Key Signature: D Major D A D Em D A D 1. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! G A D Let earth re-ceive her King G D G D Let ev’-ry heart Pre-pare Him room D And Heav’n and na-ture sing A And Heav’n and na-ture sing D G D Em D A7 D And Hea-ven, and Hea-ven, and na-ture sing. D A D Em D A D 2. Joy to the earth, the Sa-vior reigns! G A D Let men their songs em-ploy G D G D While fields and floods Rocks, hills and plains D Re-peat the sound-ing joy A Re-peat the sound-ing joy D G D Em D A7 D Re-peat, re-peat, the sound-ing joy. D A D Em D A D 3. No more let sins and sor-rows grow G A D Nor thorns in-fest the ground G D G D He comes to make His bles-sings flow D Far as the curse is found A Far as the curse is found D G D Em D A7 D Far as, far as, the curse is found. D A D Em D A D 4. He rules the world with truth and grace G A D And makes the na-tions prove G D G D The glo-ries of His righ-teous-ness, D And won-ders of His love A And won-ders of His love D G D Em D A7 D And won-ders, and won-ders, of His love.
The Little Drummer Boy Katherine Kennicott Davis Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: C Major C 1. Come they told me Pa rum pum pum pum C Our new born King to see Pa rum pum pum pum G Our fin-est gifts we bring Pa rum pum pum pum G C F To lay be-fore the King Pa rum pum pum pum C G Rum pum pum pum Rum pum pum pum C So to ho-nor Him Pa rum pum pum pum G G When we come C 2. Ba-by Je-sus Pa rum pum pum pum C I am a poor boy too Pa rum pum pum pum G I have no gift to bring Pa rum pum pum pum G C F That's fit to give our King Pa rum pum pum pum C G Rum pum pum pum Rum pum pum pum C Shall I play for you Pa rum pum pum pum C G On my drum C 3. Ma-ry nodded Pa rum pum pum pum C The ox and lamb kept time Pa rum pum pum pum G I played my drum for Him Pa rum pum pum pum G C F I played my best for Him Pa rum pum pum pum C G Rum pum pum pum Rum pum pum pum C Then He smiled at me Pa rum pum pum pum G C Me and my drum...

O Christmas Tree Traditional German Carol Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: C Major C G7 C 1. O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Thy leaves are so un-chang-ing C G7 C O Christ-mas Tree, O Chris-tmas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Thy leaves are so un-chang-ing Dm Not on-ly green when sum-mer’s here G7 C But al-so when it’s cold and drear C G7 C O Christ-mas Tree, O Chris-tmas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Thy leaves are so un-chang-ing C G7 C 2. O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Such plea-sure do you bring me C G7 C O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Such plea-sure do you bring me Dm Oh ev'-ry year this Christ-mas tree G7 C Brings to us such joy and glee C G7 C O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C Such plea-sure do you bring me C G7 C 3. O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C O e-ver green un-chang-ing C G7 C A sym-bol of good will and love Dm G7 Dm C You’ll e-ver be un-chang-ing Dm Each shi-ny light, each sil-ver bell G7 C No o-ther light spreads cheer so well C G7 C O Christ-mas Tree, O Christ-mas Tree Dm G7 Dm C You’ll e-ver be un-chang-ing
O Come All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G D G D 1. O Come All Ye Faith-ful Joy-ful and tri-um-phant, Em D A7 D O come ye, O come ye to Beth-le-hem, G Am G D Em D Come and be-hold Him Born the King of An-gels; G D7 O come let us a-dore Him O come let us a-dore Him, C D7 G D7 G O come let us a-dore Him Chri-ist the Lord. G D G D 2. Sing, choirs of an-gels Sing in ex-ul-ta-tion, Em D A7 D Sing, all ye ci-ti-zens of heav’n a-bove. G Am G D Em D Glo-ry to Go - od In the High-est G D7 O come let us a-dore Him O come let us a-dore Him, C D7 G D7 G O come let us a-dore Him Chri-ist the Lord. G D G D 3. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee Born this hap-py mor-ning; Em D A7 D Je-sus to Thee be glo-ry giv’n, G Am G D Em D Word of the Fa - ther Now in flesh ap-pea-ring G D7 O come let us a-dore Him O come let us a-dore Him, C D7 G D7 G O come let us a-dore Him Chri-ist the Lord.
O Holy Night Music: Adolphe Charles Adam Lyrics: Johnn Sullivan Dwight Time Signature: 12/8 Key Signature: C Major C F C 1. O ho-ly night! The stars are bright-ly shi-ning, G C It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. C F C C7 Long lay the world in sin and er-ror pi-ning. Em B7 Em Till He ap-peared and the Soul felt its worth. G7 C A thrill of hope the wea-ry world re-joi-ces, G7 C For yo-nder breaks a new and glo-rious morn. Am Em Dm Am Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the an-gel voi-ces! C G7 C F C G7 C O ni - ight di-vine, O night when Christ was born; G7 C F C G7 C O night, di-vine! O night, O night di-vine! C F C 2. Tru-ly He taught us to love one a-no-ther, G C His law is love and His gos-pel is peace. C F C C7 Chains shall He break for the slave is our bro-ther Em B7 Em And in His name all op-pres-sion shall cease G7 C Sweet hymns of joy in grate-ful cho-rus raise we G7 C Let all with-in us praise His Ho-ly name Am Em Dm Am Christ is the Lord and e-ver, e-ver praise we C G7 C F C G7 C No - e - el No-el O night, O night di-vine! G7 C F C G7 C No-el No-el O night, O night di-vine! G7 C F C G7 C No-el No-el O night, O night di-vine!
O Little Town Of Bethlehem Lyrics: Phillip Brooks Music: Lewis Redner Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G Am 1. O lit-tle town of Beth-le-hem! G D7 G How still we see thee lie G E7 Am A-bove thy deep and dream-less sleep G D7 G The si-lent stars go by G Am B7 Yet in thy dark streets shi-neth Em Am B7 The e-ver-last-ing Light; G Am The hopes and fears of all the years G D7 G Are met in thee to-night. G Am 2. For Christ is born of Ma-ry G D7 G And ga-thered all a-bove, G E7 Am While mor-tals sleep, the an-gels keep G D7 G Their watch of won-de-ring love. G Am B7 O mor-ning stars, to-ge-ther Em Am B7 Pro-claim the ho-ly birth! G Am And prai-ses sing to God the King G D7 G And Peace to men on earth. G Am 3. How si-lent-ly, how si-lent-ly G D7 G The won-drous gift is gi-ven! G E7 Am So God im-parts to hu-man hearts G D7 G The bles-sings of His Hea-ven. G Am B7 No ear may hear His co-ming Em Am B7 But in this world of sin, G Am Where meek souls will re-ceive him still G D7 G The dear Christ en-ters in. G Am 4. O ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem! G D7 G De-scend to us, we pray G E7 Am Cast out our sin, and en-ter in G D7 G Be born in us to-day. G Am B7 We hear the Christ-mas an-gels Em Am B7 The great glad ti-dings tell, G Am O come to us, a-bide with us G D7 G Our Lord Em-man-u-el!

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Lyrics: Haven Gillespie Music: J. Fred Coots Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G G/B C Cm 1. You bet-ter watch out You bet-ter not cry G G7 C Cm You bet-ter not pout I'm tel-ling you why G Em Am D7 G | D7 | San-ta Claus is com - ing to town G G/B C Cm 2. He's mak-ing a list He's check-ing it twice, G G7 C Cm He's gon-na find out Who's naugh-ty or nice G Em Am D7 G | D7 | San-ta Claus is com - ing to town G7 C Chorus: He sees you when you're sleep-ing G7 C He knows when you're a-wake A7 D He knows if you've been bad or good Em A7 D7 So be good for good-ness sake G G/B C Cm 1. You bet-ter watch out You bet-ter not cry G G7 C Cm You bet-ter not pout I'm tel-ling you why G Em Am D7 G | D7 | San-ta Claus is com - ing to town G Em Am D7 G San-ta Claus is com - ing to town...
Silent Night Lyrics: Joseph Mohr Music: Franz Gruber Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: C Major C 1. Si-lent night, Ho-ly night G7 C All is calm, all is bright F C Round yon Vir-gin Mo-ther and Child F C Ho-ly In-fant so ten-der and mild G7 C Sleep in hea-ven-ly peace C G7 C Sleep in hea-ven-ly peace C 2. Si-lent night, Ho-ly night! G7 C She-pherds quake at the sight F C Glo-ries stream from hea-ven a-far F C Hea-ven-ly hosts sing Al-lel-u-ia! G7 C Christ, the Sa-viour is born C G7 C Christ, the Sa-viour is born C 3. Si-lent night, Ho-ly night G7 C Son of God, love's pure light F C Ra-di-ant beams from Thy Ho-ly face F C With the dawn of re-deem-ing grace G7 C Je-sus, Lord at Thy birth C G7 C Je-sus, Lord at Thy birth
The First Noel - Traditional Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: D Major D A G D 1. The first No-el The an-gels did say G D A7 D Was to cer-tain poor she-pherds in fields as they lay D A7 G D In fields where they lay, kee-ping their sheep G D A D On a cold win-ter's night that was so deep D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el. D A G D 2. They looked up and saw a star G D A7 D Shi-ning in the east, be-yond them far D A7 G D And to the earth it gave great light G D A D And so it con-ti-nued both day and night D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el. D A G D 3. And by the light of that same star G D A7 D Three Wise Men came from coun-try far D A7 G D To seek for a King was their in-tent G D A D And to fol-low the star where-so-e-ver it went D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el. D A G D 4. This star drew nigh to the north-west G D A7 D O'er Beth-le-hem it took its rest D A7 G D And there it did both stop and stay G D A D Right o-ver the place where Je-sus lay D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el. D A G D 5. Then en-tered in those Wise Men three G D A7 D Fell rev’rent-ly u-pon their knee D A7 G D And of-fered there in His pre-sence G D A D Their gold and myrrh and frank-in-cense D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el. D A G D 6. Then let us all with one ac-cord G D A7 D Sing prai-ses to our Hea-ven-ly Lord D A7 G D That hath made hea-ven and earth of nought G D A D And with his blood man-kind hath bought D A G D Refrain: No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Bm D A D Born is the King of Is-ra-el.
The Twelve Days Of Christmas Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: D Major D A7 D 1. On the first day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me D A7 D A par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 2. On the se-cond day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 D A7 D Two tur-tle doves And a par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 3. On the third day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Three French hens Two tur-tle doves D A7 D And a par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 4. On the fourth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Four cal-ling birds Three French hens A7 D A7 D Two tur-tle doves And a par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 5. On the fifth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me D E7 A D Refrain: Five gold-en rings Four calling birds G A7 Three French hens Two tur-tle doves D A7 D And a par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 6. On the sixth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A Refrain: Five gold-en rings... D A7 7. On the sev-enth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Se-ven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A Refrain: Five gold-en rings... D A7 D 8. On the eighth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Eight maids a-milk-ing Seven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A D Refrain: Five gold-en rings Four calling birds G A7 Three French hens Two tur-tle doves D A7 D And a par-tridge in a pear tree D A7 D 9. On the ninth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Nine la-dies dan-cing Eight maids a-milk-ing A7 Se-ven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A Refrain: Five gold-en rings... D A7 D 10. On the tenth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Ten lords a-leap-ing Nine la-dies dan-cing Eight maids a-milking A7 Se-ven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A Refrain: Five gold-en rings... D A D 11. On the e-le-venth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 E-le-ven pip-ers pip-ing Ten lords a-leap-ing Nine la-dies dan-cing A7 Eight maids a-milking Se-ven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A Refrain: Five gold-en rings... D A D 12. On the twelfth day of Christ-mas My true love gave to me A7 Twelve drum-mers drum-ming E-le-ven pip-ers pip-ing Ten lords a-leap-ing A7 Nine la-dies dan-cing Eight maids a-milking A7 Se-ven swans a-swim-ming Six geese a-lay-ing D E7 A D Refrain: Five gold-en rings Four calling birds G A7 Three French hens Two tur-tle doves D A7 D... And a par-tridge in a pear tree
We Three Kings Of Orient Are by John Henry Hopkins Jr Time Signature: 3/4 Key Signature: E Minor Em B7 Em 1. We three kings of O-ri-ent are B7 Em Bear-ing gifts we tra-verse a-far G D G D7 Field and foun-tain, moor and moun-tain Am B7 Em Fol-low-ing yon-der star D7 G C G Chorus: O Star of won-der, star of night G C G Star with ro-yal beau-ty bright Em D C D West-ward lead-ing, still pro-cee-ding G C G Guide us to thy Per-fect Light Em B7 Em 2. Born a King on Beth-le-hem's plain B7 Em Gold I bring to crown Him a-gain G D G D7 King for-e-ver, ceas-ing ne-ver Am B7 Em O-ver us all to reign D7 G C G Chorus: O Star of won-der, star of night G C G Star with ro-yal beau-ty bright Em D C D West-ward lead-ing, still pro-cee-ding G C G Guide us to thy Per-fect Light Em B7 Em 3 Frank-in-cense to of-fer have I B7 Em In-cense owns a De-i-ty nigh G D G D7 Prayer and prais-ing, all men rais-ing B7 Em Wor-ship Him, God most High D7 G C G Chorus: O Star of won-der, star of night G C G Star with ro-yal beau-ty bright Em D C D West-ward lead-ing, still pro-cee-ding G C G Guide us to thy Per-fect Light Em B7 Em 4. Myrrh is mine, its bit-ter per-fume B7 Em Breathes of life of ga-ther-ing gloom G D G D7 Sor-row-ing, sigh-ing, bleed-ing, dy-ing Am B7 Em Sealed in the stone-cold tomb D7 G C G Chorus: O Star of won-der, star of night G C G Star with ro-yal beau-ty bright Em D C D West-ward lead-ing, still pro-cee-ding G C G Guide us to thy Per-fect Light Em B7 Em 5. Glo-ri-ous now be-hold Him a-rise B7 Em King and God and Sa-cri-fice G D G D7 Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia Am B7 Em Earth to the heav'ns re-plies D7 G C G Chorus: O Star of won-der, star of night G C G Star with ro-yal beau-ty bright Em D C D West-ward lead-ing, still pro-cee-ding G C G Guide us to thy Per-fect Light

White Christmas by Irving Berlin Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G Am C D 1. I'm dream-ing of a white Christ-mas C D7 G Just like the ones I used to know Cmaj7 G G7 C Am Where those tree-tops glis-ten, and chil-dren lis-ten G C Am | D | To hear sleigh bells in the snow G Am C D 2. I'm dream-ing of a white Christ-mas C D7 G With ev-'ry Christ-mas card I write Cmaj7 G G7 C | Am | May your days be mer-ry and bright G C D7 G And may all your Christ-mas-es be white...
Merry Christmas to each and every one of you...
We hope you have enjoyed playing and singing all these Christmas songs. No matter how many times you play them, you always come away feeling good. Don't forget to keep the music 'alive', and have a safe and happy Christmas.

One more thing... Happy New Year
Hope you all had a fabulous year, and here's hoping that the 'New Year' is even better!
Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns Time Signature: 4/4 Key Signature: G Major G D7 1. Should auld ac-quain-tance be for-got G C And ne-ver brought to mind G D7 Should auld ac-quain-tance be for-got C G And auld lang syne G D7 Chorus: For auld lang syne, my dear, G C For auld lang syne G D7 We'll take a cup of kind-ness yet, C G For auld lang syne.