The Power of the Cross chords
by Casting CrownsSong Key: Bb Major
Key Signature: 2 flats (Bb, Eb)
Piano Chords: Bb, Eb, Eb/Bb, F, Gm
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 94 bpm (Moderately slow)
Vocal Range: D4 - D5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, C, C/G, D, Em
Capo: 3rd fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

The Power of the Cross
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG C/G G C/G Intro: 4/4 | | | | | G C 1. The past that held re-gret G O-ver my head is gone C These chains are ash-es now Em That once were rust-ed on C I was a run-a-way G C/G Now I am fi-nal-ly home | | G C 2. My mind was a ghost town G Haunt-ed by yes-ter-day C Un-til Your hand reached down Em Pulled me out of my grave C In-to the free-dom found G C/G Only in Je-sus' Name | (I am for...)| G Chorus: I am for-gi-ven D No long-er lost Em Now I am liv-ing C G C/G In the po-wer of the Cross | | G C 3. The Fa-ther gave His Son G So I could be set free C And now the scales are gone Em My eyes can fi-nal-ly see C I'll tell the world of all G C/G Je-sus has done for me | (I am for...)| G Chorus: I am for-gi-ven D No long-er lost Em Now I am liv-ing C G C/G In the po-wer of the Cross | (Goodbye to...) | G Good-bye to sor-row D Wel-come, my joy Em Now I am li-ving C G C/G In the po-wer of the Cross | | D Em Bridge: And on that Cross, His love held true C G Through sac-ri-fice, the old made new D Em This life I live, I live in faith C Now in Je-sus' Name G Chorus: I am for-gi-ven D No long-er lost Em Now I am liv-ing C G C/G In the po-wer of the Cross | (Goodbye to...) | G Good-bye to sor-row (Goodbye to sorrow) D Wel-come, my joy (Welcome, my joy, 'cause I'm livin') Em Now I am li-ving (Yes, I'm livin') C G C/G In the po-wer of the Cross (Power of the Cross)| | G Outro: Thank You C Oh God, I thank You Em Je-sus, I thank You C G C/G Thank You for the Cross | | G Praise You C Oh God, I praise You Em Je-sus, I praise You C G Praise You for the Cross...
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- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works