Mary's Boy Child chords
by Boney M.Song Key: F Major
Key Signature: 1 flat (Bb)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 112 bpm (Moderately fast with a Calypso flavor)
Vocal Range: G3 - B4
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: F, F/C, Gm, B♭, C, Dm
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyIntro: Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day. F Bb F/C C F ‖ | | - | ‖ F Bb 1. Long time ago in Beth-le-hem, C F So the Ho-ly Bi-ble said, Bb Mary's boy child Je-sus Christ F/C C F Was born on Christ-mas Day. | % | F Bb C F Dm Gm C CH: Hark, now hear the an-gels sing, a king was born to-day. F Bb F/C C F And man will live for ev-er-more be-cause of Christmas Day Bb Mary's boy child Je-sus Christ F/C C F Was born on Christ-mas Day. F Bb 2. While shep-herds watch their flocks by night, C F They see a bright new shining star. Bb They hear a choir sing a song, F/C C F The music seemed to come from a-far | % | F Bb C F Dm Gm C CH: Hark, now hear the an-gels sing, a king was born to-day. F Bb F/C C F And man will live for ev-er-more be-cause of Christmas Day F Bb C F Instr Verse: |Mmm | mmm | mmm | mmm |... F Bb F/C C F | | | - | | % | F Bb C F Dm Gm C Instr Chorus: | - | - | - | | F Bb F/C C F | | | - | | F Bb Bridge: For a moment the world was a-glow C F All the bells rang out, there were tears of joy and laughter F Bb People shouted "let ev'-ry-one know, F/C C F There is hope for all to find peace" F Oh my Lord, you sent your Son to save us Oh my Lord, your very self You gave us C Oh my Lord, that sin may not en-slave us F And love may reign once more. F Oh my Lord, when in the crib they found Him Oh my Lord, a gol-den ha-lo crowned Him C Oh my Lord, they gath-ered all a-round Him F To see Him and a-dore. (They say He'll live forever) F Oh my Lord, (Oh praise the Lord) they had be-come to doubt you Oh my Lord, (He is the truth for-e-ver) what did they know a-bout You C Oh my Lord, (Oh praise the Lord) but they were lost with-out You F They need-ed You so bad. (His lights are shin-ing on us) F Oh my Lord, (Oh praise the Lord) with the Child's a-dor-a-tion Oh my Lord, (He is the truth for-e-ver) there came great ju-bi-la-tion C Oh my Lord, (Oh praise the Lord) and full of ad-mi-ra-tion F They re-a-lized what they had (Un-til the sun falls from the sky) F Oh my Lord, (Oh praise the Lord) you sent your Son to save us Oh my Lord, (They say He'll live for-e-ver) your very self you gave us C Oh my Lord, that sin may not en-slave us F And love may reign once more... (repeat to fade)
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