Glory In The Highest chords

by Meredith Andrews

Song Key: G Major

Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#)

Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)

Tempo: 130 bpm (Allegro)

Vocal Range: G3 - C5

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Chords: G, Bm, C, D, Em, Em7

Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
Em Em7 G Major Bm barre chord Bm C Major D Major
Em-LH Em7-LH G Major-LH Bm barre chord-LH Bm-LH C Major-LH D Major-LH

Glory In The Highest

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
               Bm       C       Em        D       Bm
Intro: 4/4 ‖       |       |         |       |        ‖
               C      Em7       D       Bm
           ‖:      |       |         |      :‖
 Em                              C
1. Hear the quiet of the star-ry night
              G                    D 
   Scat-tered sheph-erds watch the sky |  %  |
Em7                                 C  
   Sud-den-ly the dark gives way to light
              G                 D
   The an-gel speaks of the Mes-si-ah |  %  |
          C            G
Pre Chorus: Be of good cou-rage
          D              Em7          C
            See the star ho-ver-ing a-bove
                     G                  D
            To-day a Sav-ior is born to us |  %  |
        G     C    G             C 
Chorus: Glo - ry,  glo-ry in the high-est
                 G     C         G            D 
        We sing, glo - ry to His na - a - a - ame
        G                 C
        Peace on Earth to all who come
           G                   Em7
        To wor-ship Christ the King
                 G     D         C          Em7     D     Bm
        We sing, glo - ry in the high-est |      |     |      |
               C             Em7     D     Bm
        In the high - est |       |     |      |
Em7                                   C
2. See the God who spoke the earth to be
          G           D  
   Take a breath as a ba-by |  %  |
Em7                                   C
   Look be-yond the child and see the King
           G              D
   Come to res-cue and re-deem |  %  |

        G     C    G             C 
Chorus: Glo - ry,  glo-ry in the high-est
                 G     C         G            D
        We sing, glo - ry to His na - a - a - ame
        G                 C
        Peace on Earth to all who come
           G                   Em7
        To wor-ship Christ the King
                 G     D         C          Em7
        We sing, glo - ry in the high-est |     |
               D          Bm      C     Em7    D    Bm
        In the high - e - e - e - est |     |	  |     |
        C     D    Em7    Em7   D    C
Bridge: Glo - ri - a,     Glo - ri - a,  
        C   G                   D
        In  Ex - cel- sis  De - o |  % |  
        C     D    Em7    Em7   D    C
        Glo - ri - a,     Glo - ri - a,
        C   G                   D
        In  Ex - cel- sis  De - o |  %  |
        G     C    G             C
Chorus: Glo - ry,  glo-ry in the high-est
                 G     C         G            D
        We sing, glo - ry to His na - a - a - ame
        G                 C
        Peace on Earth to all who come
           G                   Em7
        To wor-ship Christ the King
                 G     D
        We sing, glo - ry
        G     C    G             C
Chorus: Glo - ry,  glo-ry in the high-est
                 G     C         G            D
        We sing, glo - ry to His na - a - a - ame
        G                 C
        Peace on Earth to all who come
           G                   Em7
        To wor-ship Christ the King
                 G     D          C           Em7
        We sing, glo - ry  in the high-est |       |
        D     Bm           C          Em7    D     
        Glo - ry... in the high-est |     |     |
      Bm               C      D   Em7
        In the  high | - est      𝄑  |...
                       1&2    &3& 4

Song Details:
  • Songwriters: Matt Papa, Jacob Sooter
  • Lyrics Begin: Hear the quiet of the star-ry night,
  • Featured Artist: Meredith Andrews - contemporary Christian music artist, songwriter, and worship leader.
  • Album: Receive Our King
  • Released: October 27, 2017
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