Frosty The Snowman chords
by The Countdown KidsSong Key: Bb Major
Key Signature: 2 flats (Bb, Eb)
Piano Chords: Bb, Bb7, F, F7, G7, Gm7, Eb7, Cm, Cm7, C7
Time Signature: 2/2 (𝅗𝅥)
Tempo: 80 bpm (Brightly)
Vocal Range: Bb4 - C5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, G7, D, D7, E7, Em7, C, Am, Am7, A7
Capo: 3rd fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

Frosty The Snowman
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG G# C G E7 Am D G Intro: 4/4 | / / / ♪ ♪ ‖ | 1&2& 3&4& | 1&2& 3&4& | ‖ G C G 1. Fros-ty the snow-man Was a jol-ly hap-py soul C G Am7 D7 G With a corn cob pipe and a but-ton nose And two eyes made out of coal G C G Fros-ty the snow-man Is a fair-y tale they say C G E7 Am7 D7 G He was made out of snow but the child-ren know How he came to life one day C G Am7 D7 G Bridge: There must have been some mag-ic in that old silk cap they found D D7 Em7 A7 D D7 For when they placed it on his head he be-gan to dance a-|round - (Oh) | G C G 2. Fros-ty the snow-man Was a-live as he could be C G Am7 D7 G And the child-ren say he could laugh and play Just the same as you and me G C G Fros-ty the snow-man Knew the sun was hot that day C G E7 Am7 D7 G So he said let’s run and we’ll have some fun Now be-fore I melt a-way G C G 3. Down to the vil-lage With a broom stick in his hand C G E7 Am7 D7 G Run-ning here and there all a-round the square Say-ing catch me if you can C G Am7 D7 G G7 Bridge: He led them down the streets of town right to the traf-fic | cop - | D D7 Em7 A7 D D7 And he on-ly paused a mo-ment when he heard him hol-ler | stop! - | G C G 4. Fros-ty the snow-man Had to hur-ry on his way C G E7 Am7 D7 G But he waved good-bye say-ing Don't you cry I'll be back a-gain some day G Outro: Thump-e-ty thump thump Thump-e-ty thump thump D Look at Fros-ty go D D7 Thump-e-ty thump thump Thump-e-ty thump thump G Ov-er the hills of snow
- Reading the Song Charts - a closer look at reading the song charts on this site
- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works
- Metronome set to 80 bpm (𝅗𝅥): The beat is marked on the 1st and 3rd quarter notes of each bar, aligning with the half note (minim) value indicated by the symbol. This is especially useful for those using a metronome or click track.
- You can set the metronome at 160 bpm to play on every beat, but it sounds a little busy... the choice is yours.
- In the Intro, the xylophone comes in on the 4th beat of the first bar. There are 3 crotchet rests which indicate 3 beats of rest, then 2 eighth-notes on 4& (G, G#) leading into the second bar. The guitar starts on the second bar, although you can play the leading notes of G & G# on the 4& of the first bar if you wish... see chart.
- This song is very simple to play and beginners will have fun with this one!