Five Little Fingers chords
by Stephen HillSong Key: E Major
Key Signature: 4 sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#)
Piano Chords: E, Esus2, E/G#, A, B, B7
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 80 bpm (Moderately slow)
Vocal Range: E4 - C#5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in D Major: D, Dsus2, D/F#, G, A, A7
Capo: 2nd fret (to play along with the video in E Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Chart Legend
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

Five Little Fingers
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD A7 A7 D Dsus2 D Intro: 4/4 ‖ - | | - | 𝄑 ‖ D G Chorus:(One Two Three Four) Five lit-tle fin-gers on His hand D A Son of God Ma-ry's lit-tle man D G Born in a man-ger Gen-tle as a lamb D A7 D My heart's in the five lit-tle fin-gers of his hand D A 1. There was no room with-in the inn A7 D When they came to Beth-le-hem D/F# G In a sta-ble a ba-by came A7 D Li-ttle Je-sus was His name... (with) D G Chorus: One Two Three Four Five lit-tle fin-gers on His hand D A Son of God Ma-ry's lit-tle man D D/F# G Born in a man-ger Gen-tle as a lamb D A7 D My heart's in the five lit-tle fin-gers of his hand D D A7 D Dsus2 Instr: ‖ | - | | ‖ D A 2. Je-sus came to save the world A7 D Man and wo-man boy and girl...(so) D/F# G Bow be-fore Him and sing His praise A7 D For His bles-sings count the ways...(with) D G Chorus: One Two Three Four Five lit-tle fin-gers on His hand D A Son of God Ma-ry's lit-tle man (He was) D D/F# G Born in a man-ger Gen-tle as a lamb D A7 D My heart's in the five lit-tle fin-gers of his hand D A7 D D/F# My heart's in the five lit-tle fin-gers of his | hand - | G D A7 Dsus2 D Outro: ‖ | - | - (h) 𝄑 ‖
- Reading the Song Charts - a closer look at reading the song charts on this site
- Chord Transposer - a better understanding of how it works
- The time signature is 4/4, meaning each bar contains 4 quarter-note (crotchet) beats.
- The tempo is set at 80 bpm (♩). If you are using a metronome or click track, the beat sounds on every quarter-note.
- The guitarist uses a capo on the 2nd fret and plays in the key of D Major, a key favored for fingerpicking. It allows for easy and quick transitions between D, Dsus4, and Dsus2, enhancing both speed and flow.
- Note how the guitarist uses trills on the D chord (Dsus2 - D - Dsus2) throughout the song. I haven't included them all as the chart starts to get a little messy. You don't have to play them, but make sure you listen and learn how well they can be used in a song, which works very well here.
- Trill: alternating rapidly between 2 adjacent notes - usually a tone or semitone apart.
- In this case the trill occurs on the 1st string of the Dsus2 (E) and D (F#)chords making the trill a tone apart.
- With the trill he plays a Dsus2 / hammers-on to the D chord / releases the hammer-on back to the Dsus2... this is all done in half a beat or eighth-note, so if you count the bar as |1& 2& 3& 4&| (he plays it at the start of the bar), it would be on the 1 of 1& etc.
- This sounds very fast, but listen and try it for yourself. Make sure you play it very slowly till it starts to flow, then pick up the pace until you get to the right tempo.
- The fermata (𝄑) or pause symbol indicates that the note is held for a duration chosen by the performer. In the intro, hold the chord for the full measure. (On some devices, the fermata symbol appears as a small square.)
- The 'h' indicates a hammer-on. In the intro, 'h-D' means you hammer onto the D chord from Dsus2 without strumming the D. At the start of the 4th bar, strum Dsus2 and hammer onto D... if you listen carefully, you will hear this.
- At the end of the song in the last bar, you play the Dsus2 for 2 beats and hammer-on the D chord on the 3rd beat and hold.
- The D/F# chord is simply a D chord leading with an F# bass note.
You can play the F# bass note with your thumb the chart suggests. This is perhaps the easiest way although small hands or a wide guitar neck may require a bit of a stretch!
Another way is to play the D chord with fingers 2, 3, and 4 leaving your first finger to play the F# bass note, although this will need a quick finger re-arrangement from D to D/F# and some of you may find this a little awkward.
Alternatively, you can simply play a D chord adding the F# bass note on the 4th string, 4th fret (see charts). In this case, you need to avoid the 5th string (A), as you are leading with F#... xx4232. - Beginners: You don't have to play the hammer-ons or trills, and you don't have to play Dsus2 or D/F#. You can play a simple D chord and it still sounds fine.
Five Little Fingers

One, two, three, four, five little fingers on His hand
Son of God, Mary's little man
Born in a manger, gentle as a lamb
My heart's in the five little fingers of His hand
There was no room within the inn
When they came to Bethlehem
In a stable a Baby came
Little Jesus was His name
One, two, three, four, five little fingers on His hand
Son of God, Mary's little Man
Born in a manger, gentle as a lamb
My heart's in the five little fingers of His hand
Jesus came to save the world
Man and woman, boy and girl
Bow before Him, give Him praise
For His blessings, count the ways
One, two, three, four, five little fingers on His hand
Son of God, Mary's little Man
Born in a manger, gentle as a lamb
My heart's in the five little fingers of His hand
Stephen Hill

Stephen Hill was an American singer songwriter, born in Missouri and raised in South Carolina. He came from a musical family, and as a young adult, Stephen sang at the local church and radio station. He appeared regularly on the popular 'Homecoming' series of videos, CD's and concerts.
Stephen moved to Nashville in the 90's and worked as a studio musician where he played guitar and bass as well as singing and working on various projects from records to television.
Stephen used his music talents to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in song. He sang his message of love and hope and trust in God, to people in The USA, Canada and The United Kingdom. Five Little Fingers can be found on the gospel album, Christmas: A Time for Joy.
Stephen Hill passed away suddenly on Sunday, August 5th 2012 after a massive heart attack at the age of 55.
I received an email requesting this song. As soon as I heard it, I knew I had to chart the song and share it with everyone, especially leading up to Christmas. Stephen has an exceptional warmth and heart-felt quality to his voice and delivers the song beautifully.
I had never heard of this song or of Stephen Hill for that matter, but I am forever grateful for the email that alerted me to this wonderful talent. As I began my research, I quickly discovered that Stephen had died unexpectedly in 2012. I was deeply saddened by the news as I had just listened to the song and wanted to know more about Stephen and his great work. May he rest in peace and many thanks for the opportunity to share this beautiful song with all of you.